Blog Category: football

Fuel for Fans: 3 Tips to Up Your Hosting Game

Sports spectating without certain ritualistic foods and drinks seems strange.

Baseball and a hot dog. Football and wings. The Kentucky Derby and bourbon.

I love the tradition of eating at games. As a foodie and a sports fan, I truly believe that the two passions can live in harmony. However, we should class up those munchies.

Why? There is a downside to these favorite foods of fans. They move through your digestive system with the speed and agility of a sloth (a.k.a. constipation) or the quickness of a Usain Bolt (a.k.a. diarrhea).

Luckily, you can still enjoy event munchies without the burden of a junk food hangover or digestive distress. Try some healthy alternatives and simultaneously impress your guests at your tailgate or game watch party.