Blog Category: brain
Are Your Building a Buff Brain?
February 15th, 2019
The more frequently you choose healthy habits, the easier it will be in the future to take that same action due to the neural (brain) paths you develop. Your brain will be on healthy habit autopilot.
You Are NOT What You Eat
November 15th, 2018
“You are what you eat. So choose wisely!”
Have you heard that one before? Unfortunately, it's not that simple. In fact, nutrient dense food could be HARMING your body and increasing your toxic load, leading to physical and mental sluggishness.
Huskies or Chihuahuas: You Pick Your Team
November 1st, 2018
When it comes to dietary fats, are you selecting the best "team" to run the critical operations of your body?
Overcoming My Addiction
March 1st, 2018
About a year and a half ago, I wrapped up a few months of an incredibly busy work season packed with travel and long days of teaching dozens of workshops. I was beat. My brain and body were in desperate need of a vacation, but life and work responsibilities didn’t afford one at the time.
Against my better judgment, I asked myself, “what do normal people do to unwind?”
So I tried to chill out through the distraction and entertainment tools that were at my fingertips. Netflix shows, YouTube videos, and the land of social media seemed to help me wind down at first. But soon the addictive nature of these platforms drew me in, making me feel more restless than before. I started craving the hit they provided, and they began to crowd out truly rejuvenating activities like sleep, time outdoors, and healthy leisure.
A few weeks later, I woke up and realized that I had an addiction. Something needed to change.