Blog Category: depression

Walk Away from Anxiety & Depression

Sick or Removed Gallbladder?

Is a diseased or malfunctioning body part causing trouble? Sometimes the proposed “remedy” is to remove it completely.

Although I realize that some emergencies call for such a drastic measure, I don’t think we’ve been given spare parts.

If an organ or gland was placed in us, it has a purpose. That biological role is important to understand so that you can support the body appropriately in the absence of the part.

Alleviate Anxiety. Dampen Depression.

When I was 18, a wise friend gifted me a unique tool. It transformed my perception of the world.

I received a simple, leather journal. Its purpose? To encourage me to spend 5 minutes every night writing down all of that day’s blessings. I found and continue to find this practice so grounding. Here’s why.